Alpines provide a range of foliage colour and texture over winter followed by great floral displays in spring. They are hardy plants for rockeries, raised beds, borders or planters.
Many will tolerate poor soil and evergreen spreading varieties are great for weed suppressing ground cover.
Alpines tend to flower in early spring, bringing colour to the garden before the summer bedding and herbaceous perennials come into flower.
Heathers provide interest in the garden all year round with both flower and foliage colour, and of course the bees just love them!.
When planting a heather garden be sure to choose varieties to give colour through the seasons, not just those looking bonny today. Our heathers are grown by Irene of Perthshire Heathers at Starr Farm in Fife.
9cm pots £1.99 each, 6 for £10
1 litre pots £3.99 each, 3 for £10